CLOSED (2021)
Savannah Gallery of Art announces its first ever Juried Exhibition and Call for Entries
‘21 & Done
A juried exhibit of 21 Works of Art to mark the end of this “crazy” year… and Celebrate the Opening of Our New Gallery! IN CONJUNCTION WITH OUR FIRST SPOTLIGHT RECEPTION HONORING GUEST ARTIST William Kwamena-Poh ( The exhibition will be judged by a professional guest artist for cash prizes totaling $1000 that will be awarded on the evening of our Grand Opening, December 3rd, 2021.
ONLINE CALL FOR ENTRIES: October 16, Saturday
Shipped Entries
Legal Agreement Eligibility
All artists 18 years or older may submit works for this show. Only original works of art not previously shown as part of the SAVANNAH GALLERY OF ART and created within the last two years are eligible. All work to be hung must be professionally framed and/or securely wired. If subject to damage, the piece must be framed under Plexiglas or glass. No clip mounting or saw-tooth hangers will be accepted. Three-dimensional work must sit solidly on a flat surface or be properly mounted for hanging. If works are not adequately prepared for display, they will be withdrawn from display. Hanging pieces must not exceed. No work may exceed 24 inches in width and up to 42 inches tall. Gallery sculpture must not exceed 50 lbs. Entry fee is $21 (non-refundable) for up to 2 works. Liability The SAVANNAH GALLERY OF ART gallery staff will exercise the best possible care in handling all works and will not be held responsible for any damage or loss due to any cause. The artist is responsible for the cost of shipping to/from the SAVANNAH GALLERY OF ART and for shipping insurance. The SGA reserves the right to refuse any entry and to withdraw any work from the exhibition at its discretion. The SGA also reserves the right to photograph and reproduce any entry submitted to be used for educational or publicity purposes. At the close of the show, the SGA will return shipped works in original packaging. All hand-delivered gallery work not picked up by 5:00 p.m., JANUARY 11, 2021, becomes the property of the SGA. The receipt of an entry in the first SAVANNAH GALLERY OF ART Juried Art Show will constitute agreement by the artist with all conditions set forth in this prospectus.
‘21 & Done
A juried exhibit of 21 Works of Art to mark the end of this “crazy” year… and Celebrate the Opening of Our New Gallery! IN CONJUNCTION WITH OUR FIRST SPOTLIGHT RECEPTION HONORING GUEST ARTIST William Kwamena-Poh ( The exhibition will be judged by a professional guest artist for cash prizes totaling $1000 that will be awarded on the evening of our Grand Opening, December 3rd, 2021.
- $500 Best of Exhibition Award
- $250 Second Place Award
- $150 Third PlaceAward
- $50 Two Honorable Mentions
ONLINE CALL FOR ENTRIES: October 16, Saturday
- Online Entry form following the Prospectus information
- The $21 nonrefundable entry fee entitles each artist to submit up to two works of art, payable through our website at the bottom of this page
- You must have a google account or gmail account to enter
- ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED USING OUR FORM ONLINE AS HIGH QUALITY 300 dpi JPG IMAGES (MAX 100MB) and should be submitted no later than Saturday, November 13th online.
- Pay your entry fee via our website at the bottom of this page.
- The 21 entries juried into the exhibit will receive an email regarding acceptance by November 24th, 2021.
- All accepted artwork should be dropped off at Savannah Gallery of Art at 304 East Bryan Street in Savannah’s Historic District on December 1st, 2021 between the hours of 10am and 5pm. All two dimensional work must be framed and ready for hanging. Any work deemed by the jurors to be of inferior presentation to what was represented by the jpeg image may be rejected from the exhibit.
- RECEPTION DECEMBER 3rd, 2021 FRIDAY Evening 6-8pm
- Closing Date: January 2nd, 2022 Sunday
- Work must be for sale. Sales are encouraged.
- The SGA will retain 40% commission on sales.
- It is the artist’s responsibility to account for said commission in sale price.
- The SGA will exercise the best possible care in the handling of all works and will not be held responsible for any damage or loss due to any cause.
- Acceptable mediums include paintings, graphics, sculptures, ceramics, textiles, mixed media and photography. No slides. All work must be framed, wired, and ready for hanging or otherwise suitably prepared for exhibition or it will not be accepted. Sawtooth hangers are not acceptable. No work may exceed 24 inches in width and up to 42 inches tall.
- Sculptures must be portable by not more than two persons and weigh less than 50 lbs.
- The SGA reserves the right to reject any entry that requires special installation or care.
Shipped Entries
- Accepted works should arrive at the SAVANNAH GALLERY OF ART between NOV 30, 2021 and DECEMBER 1st, 2021. The artist will be responsible for all shipping costs and arrangements to and from the SGA. Shipped entries must be sent in reusable containers. Please, no packing peanuts. The SGA will pack each piece in its original packing when available. Artists are responsible for arranging return shipping to the address of origin through their local UPS/FedEx or other shipping offices at the close of the exhibition.
- Shipping insurance is the responsibility of the artist. The SGA will not accept monies for shipping and is not responsible for works lost, stolen or damaged once picked up by the shipper.
- Check your local shipper for prepaid return labels, call tag systems and printable internet shipping labels.
- Artists must include the return label with the shipment of the work to THE SAVANNAH GALLERY OF ART
- At the conclusion of the exhibit, accepted entries may be picked up at the Savannah Gallery of Art on 304 E. Bryan Street the Week of Jan 3rd between the hours of 10am and 5pm. . Artists who wish to have their artwork shipped back to them must provide return shipping fees including insurance.
Legal Agreement Eligibility
All artists 18 years or older may submit works for this show. Only original works of art not previously shown as part of the SAVANNAH GALLERY OF ART and created within the last two years are eligible. All work to be hung must be professionally framed and/or securely wired. If subject to damage, the piece must be framed under Plexiglas or glass. No clip mounting or saw-tooth hangers will be accepted. Three-dimensional work must sit solidly on a flat surface or be properly mounted for hanging. If works are not adequately prepared for display, they will be withdrawn from display. Hanging pieces must not exceed. No work may exceed 24 inches in width and up to 42 inches tall. Gallery sculpture must not exceed 50 lbs. Entry fee is $21 (non-refundable) for up to 2 works. Liability The SAVANNAH GALLERY OF ART gallery staff will exercise the best possible care in handling all works and will not be held responsible for any damage or loss due to any cause. The artist is responsible for the cost of shipping to/from the SAVANNAH GALLERY OF ART and for shipping insurance. The SGA reserves the right to refuse any entry and to withdraw any work from the exhibition at its discretion. The SGA also reserves the right to photograph and reproduce any entry submitted to be used for educational or publicity purposes. At the close of the show, the SGA will return shipped works in original packaging. All hand-delivered gallery work not picked up by 5:00 p.m., JANUARY 11, 2021, becomes the property of the SGA. The receipt of an entry in the first SAVANNAH GALLERY OF ART Juried Art Show will constitute agreement by the artist with all conditions set forth in this prospectus.